Basic of control system



*Basic of control system*

>System:-A system is arrangement of component that act together and perform desired work.


>Control system:-Control system means to regulate, Direct command the system so as to obtain the desired objective.

>Transfer system:-Laplace transform of output to the Laplace transform of input is called transfer function.

  Transfer system=Laplace of output

                                 Laplace of input


*Classification of control system*

>Open loop or non-feedback system:-When the output quantity is non-feedback to the input quantity, The control system is called open loop control system.



1. Low cost, simple in construction and design.

2. Easy to maintain.

3. System is stable.


1. Less accuracy and accurate depend upon calibration.

2. Inaccurate result are obtained with parameter variation.


1. Traffic light.

2. Bread toaster.

3. Washing machine.

>Closed loop or feedback or automatic control system:-When the output quantity of control system is feedback to the input quantity, the control system is called closed loop.


-Accuracy is more.

-Output is less sensitive to parameter changing.

-Non-linear distortion are less.

-Bandwidth is increase.


-Tendency toward oscillator.

-Complicated design.

-More expensive.

-Stability problem.

*Feedback is two types*

1.Negative:-Amplifier, Gain will be reduced.

2.Positive:-Oscillator, Gain will be increased.

*Effect of feedback*

1. Feedback can reduce the effect of noise and disturbance.

2. Due to feedback system is more accurate.

3. Sensibility may increase [efficiency].

*Functional block diagram of control*

The diagram which represents the function of the system is called functional block diagram of control system. The physical diagram may be differing from each other.

 *Dead time*

Dead time is the amount of time that it takes for your process variable to start changing after your value changes.

If you were taking a shower, the dead time is the amount of time it would take for you to feel a change in temperature after you have adjusted the hot or cold water.

*Lag time*

Lag time is the amount of time after the dead time that the process variable takes to move 63.3% of its final value after a step change in value position lag time is also called a capacity element.

*Self regulating process*

Self regulating process are process that are inherently self regulating .Self regulating process have built in feedback characteristics that cause the process to tend toward self regulating.

*Non self regulating process*

A non self regulating process is one where the process does not tend towards self regulation. These processes have no self regulating feedback characteristics and will tend toward being unstable if not controlled externally.

Open loop operation

Close loop operation

Its performance accuracy depends upon its calibration.

It has inherent accuracy due to feedback.

It is a simple system.

System is complex.

More stable.

Less stable.

Presence of non-linearity’s cause malfunctioning.

Effect of non-linearity can be minimized by selecting proper reference signal.









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