Electrical engineering 5th semester
The course 1S designed to understand the concepts, principles involved in the construction and
woTing ot protective switch gear system so that one can handle, install , maintain them and also
take decisions at his/her level in different situations.
The teaching of this subject requires reinforcement in the form of visits to substation, power
stations and well designed laboratory experiences. A practice oriented approach to the teaching
of this subject is suggested.
NOTE : Weightage of each topie for external examination is given in the brackets.
1. Generation (30%)
1 GrOwth and development of electrical power in country; main sources of energy,
conventional and non-conventional
1.2 Diferent types of power stations thermal hydro, diesel and nuclear power stations
Their layout, tlow diagram and bref explanation of operation, comparison of power
stations on the bases of capital cost, running cost, efficiency, space, maintenance and
availability of the resources.
1.3 Load estimation, load curves. Demand factor, load factor, Diversity factor, Simple
problems there on
1.4Base and pcak load power stations. nterconnection of power station and its
advantages. Conceptof regional and national grid.
2. Various Faults (10%)
2.1 ypes of faults,' short circuit fault, simple problems for calculating short circuit 65
curents fonsymmetrical fault, Concept ofa fault level.
3. Switghgear System: (20%)
3.1. Purpose of protective gear. Difference between switch, isolator and circuit breakers.
Function of isolator and circuit breaker. Breaking capacity ot circuit breaker.
3.2 Circuit breakers. Types of circuit breakers, oil circuit breakers, air blast circuit
3.3 Principles of Arc.extinction by OCB and ACB Constructional features of OCB, ACB
and their working, Kating ot Crcuit breakers and their maintenance sehedule.
3.4 Introduction to sulphur hexaluoride (SFo) and vacuum circuit breaker.
3.5 Miniaturc circuit breakers and RCCB, ACB, ELCB, MCB, VCB for distribution
system and transmission (Descripive)
4. Protection Devices (20%)
4.1 Fuses; function of fuse, Classification of fuses, HV and LV fuses, their
Characteristics. 1ypes, Tewireable, cartridge, HRC tYpes.
4.2 Earthing. purpose of carthing: System carthing. Equipment earthing, Substation
earthing, system carthing as per Indian Electricity rules.
4.3 Relays
a) Function, use in protection system. Types of relaysntroduction,
Electromagnetic and thermal relays. Their construction and working
b)Induction type overcurrent, earth leakage relays
c)Directional overcurrent, differential over-current relays. their characteristics.
Time and current setting
d)ldea ol static relays
5. Protection Scheme: (10%)
5.1Protection of alternator, Merz Price Protection
5.2 Protection of transformers Merz Price Portection. Buchholz relay protection
S3Protection of feeders and bus bars. Overcurrent and carth leakage protection
6. Overvoltage Protection (5%)
61 Protection of system agaanst over voltage cuases ol over voltage, function of
ground wire
6.2 Lightening arrestors, Rod gap, horm gap, thyrite arrestors. Surge absorbers, Zno type
7. Carrier Communication: (5%)
7.1 Principle and purpose of carrier communication over power lines 66
7.2 Brief description of equipments with block diagramn
EE 501 Practical (Generation, Switchgear & Protection)
Visit to power station/sub-station for the conduct of following practicals.
ITesting of the dielectric strength of transformer oil
2. Working of different types of circuit breakers and isolators
3. Working of ditierent types of protective relays.
4. Working of CTs and PTs
5. Earthing of different equipment
6. Working of carrier communication system.
7. Study of power transformer protection scheme
8. Working of lightening arresters
9. Study of static excitation of the generalor
10. Study of transformer and alternator protection
11. Power factor improvement of a single phase load using capacitor bank
NOTE: Weightage of cach topřè for external examination is given in the brackets.
1. Energy Resoures (15%)
Basics of energy and power, conventional energy sOuroes. their imitation and environmental
impacts. Current energy situation in our country-Varous non-conventional sources of energy
harnessed, capacity and excepted potential ot renewable sources of energy in India.
2. Solar Energy (20%)
Introduction, solar energy supplied, solar energy utilization techniques and expertise in
conversion of solar heat into electrical energy Solar PV, cells, merits and demerits, inter
conversion of solar cells, protection of solar cells. Block diagram of photovoltaic system.
Solar lantern, solar PV water pumping system, solar cooking system, solar heating system.
3. Wind Energy (15%)
Causes of wind, potential windarea, wind turbines, part of wind turbines, power in the wind,
storage, limitation in using wind energy, block diagram of control panel of wind energy. Off Grid wind turbine systems yoltage regulator in wind turbines.
4.Wave Energy (10%)
Wave energy generation, wave energy conversion devices, merit and demerits of wave energy. Future and pötential of wave energy in India.
5. Tidal Energy (5%)
Poteptial ot Tidal power and its present status of utilization, types of tidal power generation
challenges and limitation.
6. Geothermal Energy (10%)
Geothermal power plant sites in India, present utilization capacity and expected potential,
energy extraction, limitation and challenges.
7. Biomass Energy (10%)
Types and where application, energy content in the biomass, types of conversion process,
biomass based fucls, calorific value of biomass based fuels, structure and design of biogas
8. Small Hydro Power Plants (10%)
Introduction, potentiar of SHP in India, present utilization and excepted potential
technological aspects, environmental impacts, merits and demerits of SHP. (10%)
9. Other Non Conventional Sources of Energy (5%)
Fucl cells, fuel cells technology. Sources of fucl cells, uses of fuel cells, environmental
impact. Ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC). Potential and challenges, blocked
EE 502- Non -Conventional Energy Sources (Practical)
1. Study of determination of fuel cell power output.
2. Study of fuel cell control panel.
3. Testing of individual fuel cels.
4 Adjustment of wind turbine regulation.
.Study of voltage regulatorload diverter operation.
6. Study of performance test in wind turbine.
Study of Photo Voltaic array mounting panels.
8. Study of battery charging procedure through altemative sourceof power supply.
9. Study of renewable energy.
10. Study of grid turbine system
1. Study of advanced fuel cell opcration
12. Study of solar power research
13. Study of Safety, precautions of fuel cell
(Min. 10 practicals are to be conducted)
This subject deals with the various instruments, their construction and working which control the
various parameters and operation in any industry, Electrical supervisor employed in mantenance
of electrical equipment, machinery is required to diagnose faults, rectity themand test the total
system tor good pertormance.
1. Measurnments 10%)
Importance of measurements, basic measuring systems, advantage and limitations of each
measuring systems, generalized measurements systems, signal conditions and display device
2.Transducer (10%)
Theory. construction and use of various transducers (resistance, inductance, capacitance,
clectromagnetic, piezoelectric type) optical transducers, tachogenerators, photovoltaic cell.
3. Measurements of displacement and strain (15%)
Displacement measuring devices: wire wound potentiometer, LVDT, strain gauge, different
strain gauges such as inductance ype, resistive type wire and foil etc. gauge factor gauge
material and their seledtion, source of error and its compensation. Use of electric strain gauge
strain gauge bridge anmpiter
4. Force and torque measurements (15%)
Different types of force measuring devices and their principles, load measurement by using
elastic transducer and electrical strain gauge. Load cells providing rings. Measurement of torque /0
by break dynamometer, clectrical strain gauge, speed measurements by different methods and
5. Pressure measurements (5%)
Bourdon pressure gauges, electrical pressure pickups" and their principles, construction
appircaton use or pressure cells.
6.Flow measurements (6%)
Basic principle of magnetic and ultra sonic flow meters.
7. Measurements o temperatures in industry (25%)
Importance of temperature measurements in industry, sceback eftect, pelter s elfect, temperature scales and conversions. Principles of working, materials of constructions, advantages and
limitations of the folowing:
1) vapour filled thermometers, gas filled thermometers, liquid filled thermometers
mercury in glass thermometers.
2) bimetallic thermometers
3) pressure spring thermometers
4) thermocoupies
5) resistance thermometers
7) radiation pyrometers
8) optical pyrometers
9) location of sensor for measurement and speed.of response of sensor
9)lead wire compensation
11) installation of thermometers
8.Transfer functional devices (15%)
Principle of operation, construction detail and transfer function of electrical components like
limit transtormer.servomotors(DC & AC) stepper
motors,operational amplifiers
EE503-Instrumentation (Practical)
1. Study of strain gauge and measurements ot strain in given samples.
2. Study of synchro transmiter and receivcr
3. Study of piezoelcctic presSure transducer.
4 Study and calibration of LVDT.
S. Study of variablecapacitive transducer
Study of vaiable inductive transducer.
Study of sgrvo motors.
Study of solenoid valve and motor operated value.
9. Study of optical transducers.
Minor project work aims at exposing the students to industrial field practices so as to have
an appreciation of siz7C, Scale and type ot operations; and work culture in the industries.
Also the students will be able to comprehend concepts, principles and practices taught in
the class r0om and their application in solving freld / industrÃal problems.
Depending upon the interests of the students, location of the organization the student may
be sent to:
a) Study various operations
b) Study various types of materials being used
C) Learn about various operations/processes
d) Know about various measuring instruments and test equipment
Study the plant layout and material handling in an industry
) Have knowledge about production planning and control in an industry
Know about various quality control techniques and safety measures adopted
For effective planning and implementation of the practical training, it is suggested that
polytechnic should:
a) Tdentify adequate number of industrial/ field organizations where students will be
sent for practical training
b) Prepare a work book, which can be used by students for guiding students to
perform definite task during the practical training
Identifty teachers who would supervise the students and provide guidance during
practical training.
This practical training of 3-4 wecks duration will carry 100 marks. 50 marks will be given
by industrial/tield supervisors and 50 marks by the teacher supervising this training. The
components of evaluation will inciude the following :
a) Punctuality and regularity
b) Initiative in learning new things
C) Relationship with workers
d) Industrial training report
his subject aims to give a background of digital electroics and microprocessors toielectrical
dploma holders so that they may work efficiently in industry/tield. The course contents have
been designed to make the students know about the fundamental principies of digital clectronics
and microporcessors and gain familharity with the available IC chips. Microproccssors find
applications in manufacturing and process control industries. They are also part of the clectronic
SWitching system between sourçe and destination in long distance telecommunications.
NOTE: Weightage of each topic for external examination is given in the brackèts.
1. Introduction (10%)
Number systems; Binary and Hexadecimal numbers
1.2Binary addition, subtraction, muliplication and division
1.3 's and 2's compliment method of subtraction
1.4 Decimal to binary and vice versa
1.5 Concept of logic gates
1.6 Boolean Algebrg and Kmap
2. Logic amilies (10%)
2.1 Definition ofSSI MSL SLI, VLSI
2.2 Basics of DTL PTL, MOS IIL, ECL, C-MOPs
3. Codes, Conversion and Parity.
3.1. The8421 and BCD code numbers, its limitations and access:
3.2 Addition of 8421 BCD codes numberS, its limitations and access:
3.3 Gray code, gray to binary conversiOn and vice-versa
3.4 Conversion of 8421 to decimal and vice versa
3.5 Basic concepts of parity, single and double parity and error detection
4. Latches, Flip Flops, Shift Registers and Counters (25%)
4.1Basic Concepts of latches and their type
4.2 Introduction to Flip Flops, difference between latcti and flip-flop
4.3 Concept of shift register and their types
4.4 Counters and their classification:
5nary and decade counter
Divide by N rpple counters
Eset tadie and programmable asynchronous counters
Down counts, updown counter
uuctOu OL syCnronous COunters
kng counters HNIC
5. Memories (10%)
5.1 Idea of volatile and non-volatile memories
5.2 ldea of RAM, ROM, PROM, EROM and EPROM
6. A/D and D/A converters
General idea of A/D and D/A converters and their applications
7. Microprocessors (20%)
7.1 Definition of 8 bit, 16 bit, 32 bit mieroprocessor
7.2 Architecture of 8085, its instruction set, Simple probleths and programming, VO data
transfer techniques
7.3 Description of programmabla peripherals interface 8255, s251
1.4 Introduction to S086 and comparison with 8085
E505(B-Digital Eletronies and Microprocessor (Practical)
1. Application of digital trainer kits in truth table verifications of various logic gates
2. Development of a half adder and full adder circuit on a bread broad
3. Devlcopmcnt of asubstractor cireuit on a bread board
4. Different basic applications of 8085 and 8O86 in the field of clectrical engincering such as
emperature controllers. Speed controller, pulse generator time delay circuits etc.
NOTE: Extension lecturers may be arranged for the following: b
4. Tcleprinter
5. Paging Service
6. Celluar Mobile Telephones
Modern trend in public transportation is towards fast moving traction system Old methods have
Decome obsolete as they ae not cost eflicient, and new dependable systems such as electric
traction systems are catching up. Emphasis is also being laid on safety alongwith economy and
eticiency. ln India, a large portion of railway tracks arc clectrilicd ines dluring coming five year
plan. The technician graduates are employed in sufficient numbers in Railways for various jobs
starting irom planning. Cxecution, operation and maintenance ot eectnc traction system.
This subject will provide background knowledge regarding various traction systems, system of
power supplies, over hcad equipment, drives, control mechanism for motors etc.
NOTE: Weightage of ecach topic for external examination is given in the brackets.
1. Introduetion to Traction Systems (10%)
Introduction to different traction systems like steam, diesel, electric traction and trolley
buses, advantages of elecirne traction over other methods of traction systems
2. Systems of Power Suppl (20)
Diterent methodsof power supply systems: AC single phase, 3-phase, DC systems and
composite systems reeufication of power for traction systems; Economics of supply
systems; Location of supply points; Neutral sections; Interterence with communication
3. Over Head Equipment 20%)
Single and compound catenary construction in Railways; position of contact wire in
TClation to trac under vanous Circumstances hke tunnels and curvatures, ieneral
consideration on support and insulations ot urolley bus routes, secuonlisation oI over head
line, current collector systems; pentograph.
4. Study of Drives (20%)
Performance of DC seies motor, AC series motor and induction motors on traction
systems; methods of obtaining good power factor and commutation on AC scries motors
Special design featurcs of traction motors; mechanics ot train movement; typical speed
time curve on sub-urban and main line services; co-cfficient of adhesion; Train
5. Control of Motors (20%)
Methods of starting; metadyne systems; different methods of Electric braking, plugging
Rheostatic and regenerative braking in AC and DC systems; control ot speed by cuting a field turns, spced control by solid state devices for AC and DC motors; high acceleration LInear Induction Motors
6. Rail and Return Path
Limiting voltage between the earth; Application of negativeebooster Distribution of current and voltage on the rai; Earth return protection of undergrotind nstallation against
Power Electronics plays a very vital rolc in the ficld of control enginecring in the modern
industries as these industries mostly use electronic controls which are more etlicient, effective
and accurate. The old magnetic and electrical control schemes have become obsolete.
Knowledge of components like general purpose integrated cireuits, thyristers, UJTs, power
diodes. power transistors and microprocessors is a must for the person working as supervisors as
they have to maintain the panels in the moderm control processes. The syllabus of this subject
deals with the applied power electronics needed for electrical diploma holders.
NOTE: Weightage of each topic for external examination is given in the brackets.
Definition and concepts, Application Power Semiconductor, switches, Gate/ base drivers. Losses Snubbers.
Characteristics and ratingsiof dificrent thyristor family devices, their turh on land turm off methods with their protection series and parallel connection of SCRs and their derating controlled single phase and three phase rectifiers for different types of load viz. R, R-L, R-L-E.
Single-phase, half wave rectifier (Uncontrolled: R load, ER-L load, R-C load, Controlled, Free whecling diode) Single-phasc Tui wavc tcc ifee Controlled Continuous and discontimuous current mode). Three- phase rectifier
uncentrolled, controlled)
1) General 79
2) Buck converter
3) BoOst converter
4) Buck- -Boost eter
5) Switched-mode power Suppiy
6) Bridge converter
7) Notes on Electromagnetic compatibility
(EMC) and solution.
1) General concept
2) Sngle-phase inverter
3) HarmonicS
4) Modulation
5) Three-phase inverter
6.Single Phase and three phase voltage source and current source inverter
Single phase and three phase votage source and current source inverter, cycloconverter,
choppers, PWM techniques, Characteristics and principles of AC and DC machines
i) Motor drive systems definitions
ii) Reviewof motor principles
ii) Mechanical Requirements of Motor Drives.
i) General Concept
ii) Speed Control
111) SCR Dives
iv) Switched-mode DC Drives
i) Why induction motor (IM)?
iii) Motivation for variable-spced AC drives
iv) Applications
V)The state of the art in IM drives in such that most of the DC drives will be replaced
with IM n very near future.
Methods ofconventional contřols and application of static controls and microprocessor based
controls forAC and DC machines.
If you have any doubts. Please let me know ConversionConversion EmoticonEmoticon